Reiki Shamanic Healing - Berlin
Reiki Shamanic Healing
Alessandro Ferrari
Sacred Shamanic Medicine and Reiki Healing in Berlin.
Ceremonies, Sessions and Events.
For more information check the website:
I'm Alessandro Ferrari, a Shamanic Reiki Practitioner. I recently moved to Berlin in January 2019.
I work with the powerful healing energy of Reiki combined with the ancient shamanic practices of South America. I can help you through the connection with the sacred spirits of Rapé and Sananga, and with the powerful knowledge of Amazonian Forest Oracles.
Sacred Shamanic Medicine and Reiki Healing in Berlin.
Ceremonies, Sessions and Events.
For more information check the website:
I'm Alessandro Ferrari, a Shamanic Reiki Practitioner. I recently moved to Berlin in January 2019.
I work with the powerful healing energy of Reiki combined with the ancient shamanic practices of South America. I can help you through the connection with the sacred spirits of Rapé and Sananga, and with the powerful knowledge of Amazonian Forest Oracles.
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420 mt
Praxis für Hypnose und Mentaltherapie, Bernd Winopal HeilpraktikerDernburgstr. 59
14057 Berlin