LOTUS Containers GmbH - Egestorf

LOTUS Containers GmbH

Buchenring 3
Egestorf (Harburg)
4175 400 65 99
Phillip Manzow
LOTUS Containers is a top shipping container company headquartered in Hamburg, Germany and we are well known for buying and selling durable, resilient, highly corrugated maritime shipping containers worldwide. Our container services are diverse and specially designed to help you with your container needs. Our container buyback services help you sell unused cargo containers back that you have purchased from us. With our intermodal transportation services, our container reaches you wherever you are. With our leasing services like One Way Lease, we help you rent a container only when you wish to use it. With our container depot services, your shipping boxes get maximum security. And our huge container stock helps you get the cargo units at any time in any quantity you want.
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